Flexible axis holders

In 2002, in cooperation with CeKaBe Keramiek, Plastifix designed a flexible ash container that makes it possible to make the urn smaller and in any desired shape. The flexible ash container fits in any urn and gives extra protection to the ashes.

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News November

We received a tip from a customer that the zippered show bag is also suitable for splash-proof storage of his phone and ipad on board his boat. To thank him for the tip, we immediately sent him a sleeve in a slightly thicker material with extra protected seal, fits his tablet in...

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News October

Paulien Cornelisse made fun of plastic show bags. It remains, despite the dragon, a sought-after and much sought-after product we make them standard, with extra space 1/1.5cm for thicker contents and with zipper so that even small items are kept well.

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News September

Our flexible ash holders are crossing the border! Our "flex ash container" fits any shape and can be used instead of the ash container. Comes in 3 standard sizes and 2 designs, but an exactly tailored holder is also possible.

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Our residual waste is collected for recycling, today pallets are collected, pvc, pp, pe and cardboard are offered separately.

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Since late 2013, the films we work with have been equipped with a phthalate-free plasticizer. This puts our supplier, and therefore us, far ahead of the standards that apply in Europe. The materials we work with comply with all European standards and regulations; you will not find any cadmium in our products.

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